Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Dolores, Uruguay is  small city on the Southwestern part of the country, nearly 20,000 people. But nature doesn’t discriminate and on April 18, 2016 a devastating tornado swept through the middle of the city. Thankfully as of today only four people were killed, but sadly about two hundred people were injured and many were left with nothing, no place to go home to, no place to go to school, no place to go to work, and even the church was demolished.
Uruguay is a small country of only 3.4 million people and only one quarter the size of Texas. I was born and raised in Uruguay and I’ve been living in the US for the last eight years, even though I’m far from my home, I treasure those who live there and I know how difficult it can be to live in the current economy situation. Even when people are working it is extremely difficult to build a place to live. My purpose is to be the medium of raising money internationally to deliver it to the city of Dolores in Uruguay. Let the voice of those in need be heard, and let’s all try to help them. Tornadoes are uncommon in Uruguay, people were not prepared for such a destructive event, as the pictures show entire brick homes were destroyed. It broke my heart to watch videos of people filming the tornado without knowing what to do.
Uruguay is a small country with not very many resources, but its citizens have big hearts and we all are trying to help the people of Dolores through this difficult time. Neighboring cities are helping as much as they can with basic items such as non-perishable foods, water, blankets, clothes, etc. Even though some kind hearts have been donating materials to rebuild the city, it is expenssive to do so and we still need all the help we can get. The goal of this fund raising is to collect enough money to help rebuild homes in the long run. All money collected will DIRECTLY GO TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH of Soriano Uruguay who is receiving donations to rebuild the homes in Dolores. I was able to speak to the bishop Carlos Colazzi on the phone today. If anyone would like to send donations directly to them the phone number is
+598 955 65233 and email: obismerc@gmail.com the catholic church is the organization most involved in the cause and I was told today they are receiving donations.
Donations can also be made through different groups in Uruguay like the Uruguay Red Cross and Club Soriano for more information: https://www.facebook.com/notes/todos-x-dolores/lugares-que-reciben-donaciones/986901574696614 

I want to say thank you to everybody who is donating, their help will be most appreciated. 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Human Overpopulation

Angie Fernandez
November 3, 2015
Human Overpopulation

Some people’s priority is to make money and have high standards of living while other people worry about getting to live past adulthood and being able to survive the daily living. One current major problem that humanity experiences these days is overpopulation. If optimum world population is two billion (Daily et al. 1994) then we have a significant issue of 7.3 billion people right now, and according to the United States Census Bureau in only sixty five years the world population should be expecting even more billions of people. Countries with the most population like China and India have developed policies or campaigns in an attempt to lower their birth rates, China successfully implemented this strategy that couples could only have one child and throughout the years we can see how the older generations dominates over young ones.  Even though birth rate is lower, population keeps on increasing thanks to the advances in medicine death rates are lower than birth rates.
People do worry about overpopulation because the more people we have the harder it is to sustain our planet, more people need to eat, more people need to consume electricity, more people need to use water and land, and more people produce waste. We already see the problems that come with high human population, out of seven billion people we have in our planet today 3.3 billion live in poverty conditions struggling in meeting their basic needs and only earning two dollars or less per day (Berg et al. 2011).
I do think that many countries and not only United States should implement strategies to control population, of course it will be difficult and unfair to the people that are used to live with a certain level of freedom if they aren’t allowed to conceive as many times as they want, because of this the government plan should be to educate their citizens starting with the young community. People should learn about the problems that come with overpopulation, and also everyone should learn about their ways of living and their ecological footprint. People in developed countries such as the U.S. consume a lot more resources than people in less developed countries and this is because society is in the cycle that the more money you earn the more you spend and consume. One child raised in a developed country has more environmental impact than twenty children in a developing nation (Berg et al. 2011).
The problem with the planet carrying capacity and overpopulation isn’t just a problem emphasizing the large population we have, but it also implicates how large masses of people live their life, utilization of sources and distribution of these (Ip D. 1997).
Educating our community not only about reproduction but also about ways of recycling, waste, and wise usage of our resources could make a positive impact in our planet. Developed countries represent about twenty percent of the world population, but ironically these developed nations are also responsible for seventy five percent of world’s pollution and waste and consume more than half of word’s resources.
I do think the U.S. should spend time on campaigns trying to educate their citizens about all these facts and maybe population growth can slow down even more and people can be more mindful about our planet.

Literature Cited

Berg L, Hager M, Hassenzahl D. 2011. Visualasing Environmental Science.4rd ed. Hoboken (NJ): John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 492 p.
Ip D. 1997. Full House: Reassessing the world’s population carrying capacity. Sustainable Development. 5(2):99-99
Wostl RL, Walsh MJ. 2015. Biology 1442: evolution and ecology laboratory manual. Laboratory 8: Human population demographics and impacts. Version 2015.06.FA15. University of Texas at Arlington. P 83-95.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Pipí Kucú, porque toda dama necesita uno...

Vestidos de Fiesta Hermosos Para Mujeres Hermosas

Visite nuestro website aqui o nuestro Facebook aqui

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Why are Bees Dying?

Bees are much more important than you may think, watch this video to learn why.

If you want to learn more visit this documentary in CNN 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Reality of Discrimination

I am personally against discrimination of race and religion... I don't know how to feel about it. Many people are different. The day people stop worrying about country, race, gender, skin color and religion; would be the day human kind unites as a whole and advance as a species.
Video about discrimination against Muslims. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Mermaids: The Known Secret

Sirenas: El Secreto al Descubierto

Here I will share a couple of videos showing the truth known about mermaids. Also a translation in Spanish. Aqui se mostraran un conjunto de videos de la verdad de las sirenas, en ingles y español.



You can also see on Animal Planet website their documentary called Mermaids: The Body Found 
They display a link http://believeinmermaids.com/ at the end of each video, if you go to that website, you'll see homeland security removed it.
 The "Law" should know that we the people should have the right to know what's going on in our planet. It won't help if they hide something long enough for us not to see it in our time life. Humans are animals curious in nature, please don't make us blind!


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Kettys Fernandez - Modeling

                                          *** A campaign helping kids with autism.***
Supporting my sister Kettys Fernandez in her modeling career. She's beautiful!
Apoyando a mi hermana Kettys Fernandez en su carrera de modelo, es re linda!

~~Please if you like this video click +1 so we all can help her and the editor be recognized~~~